Wednesday, September 30, 2015

From a day in Ahmed's life to discussing Mars, a camera friendly PM and all the digitization.

As the rare super 'Blood Moon' decides to dominate the skies once again since 1982, I scamper out in the balcony with the man of the house to catch a glimpse of it. A much required breather from all the hype that is blown over the recent visit of our Indian Prime Minister to the United States, the lunar eclipse feels nothing less of a pearl of great price. 

And the news of actual liquid substance being possibly present on Mars is another addition to our thought provoking aspects pertaining to the heliocentric system. Mars is the second smallest planet in the entire solar system, after Mercury, and considered the fourth planet from the sun. Mars was named after the mythical Roman god of war and is often referred as the 'Red Planet' owing to the element of high iron oxide making it appear reddish on its surface. The controversy is, whether the scientific evidences are sufficient to indicate that Mars is up to snuff for agriculture or not.  Life would possibly have been a bowl of cherries if NASA could resolve some of the most crucial issues here on earth before declaring anything on the potentials of another planetoid in the cosmos.

Currently, there are 21000 villages in rural India, that is deprived of electricity. Availability of water supplied through pipelines is a distant dream, and women from every household can' t help but walk on their bare feet across miles after miles to procure a jar of water in the remote provinces of Rajasthan. What will exactly be the utility of wireless internet connectivity in such places? Yet we are talking about digitalizing India by 2019. 

I have been toiling under tremendous pressure for last few days to comprehend this new jargon crawling up and down the walls of my social media with all it pervasiveness - Digital India.

However, after a decent amount of brain wracking and research, I am now, in a position to decipher why my fellow humans are so acutely enthusiastic about changing their Facebook profile picture into a tricolored image. It's with Mark Zuckenberg changing his own Facebook display picture and updating the same in a pattern of triple hues, we Indians have been blindly following suit. This initiative by the particular website and its chairman and CEO is symbolic of showing support to the saffron brigade's gigantic leap into envisioning a digital India. Ever since Modi ji's raaj has come into existence, it has ushered us in a cleaner and more developed India. Sometimes the beti-bachao agenda, at times selfies and yogasanas - all of it has some way or the other turned up in favor of the suit boot ki sarkar that has succeeded in melting 19,000 hearts including Indian Americans and Indian nationals watching and listening to him in San Jose couple of evenings back. Whoop-de-doo! 

What bemuses me the most about this man is, ever since the independence of the country nearly 70 years ago, it is his singular and expansive leadership that has drastically brought forth India's cause in the forefront, to the United States in specific. After the temporary reforms in the economic arena, commenced under the Vajpayee rule of BJP era, Congress party could only manage to continue some of it half heartedly, which moved from a gradual decline to a permanent termination by 2009. Modi, on the other hand clearly represents India's global economic outreach as a necessity to battle poverty and rise in new technology and the business world. If nothing else, the Modi haters at least can't ignore the fact that criticizing his dictatorial ship will be somewhat anti-progressive too. The Indian Diaspora estimated over twenty million is well aware that calling him a mass murderer doesn't discredit his dramatic launching of strategies and that gushes in a large scale manner. In many ways, Gujrat has thus remained central to his politics in making India burgeon with various enterprises. 

However critical his oppositional political parties might appear about his fundamentals, they surely lacked that vision to take the state and country to such summits, despite they have had multiple opportunities in the past to do so. In an age of a politically illiterate and emotionally gullible mass, constructive things are easier said than done in the dictionaries of these political maestros. Therefore, the circulation of government services amongst citizens electronically, in a digital infrastructure may very well seem elusive and over ambitious. Would this renewal of age old India with an electronic brain serve as the powerhouse for economic growth and prosperity lashing out impoverishment and eradicating the perennial problem of unemployment from the heart of the nation? But then again, who wants to pull the country backwards? It is not entirely a bad day for science : his collaboration with world high-tech companies  such as Samsung, Ericsson, Media Tek, Opera Software, Nokia and Qualcomm, to introduce internet to the villages of India is praiseworthy. By means of stirring an unparalleled shift in the national face and policy, he has compelled us to look into and believe in his broader and long term perspectives highlighted through a greater nationalistic view which in due course of time needs to be kept at a close watch for the outcomes.

Post the tumult over a series of bans imposed on Indian democracy, the sense of personal freedom is in question and looks like getting strangulated all over. If beef and porn be removed from the Indian way of living, does that also not blur the line between religious taboo, moral policing  and absolute monocracy on the part of the government and our honorable leaders? There is so much of dubiousness and so many angles to this, no wonder a non-political person like me soon loses the (saffron) thread. Argh!  

Mentioning of religion, another hot potato doing rounds that baffles me even after the dust has settled a bit is the story of fourteen year old Ahmed Mohamed whose homemade clock at the Texas high school caused a national blowback few weeks ago. We hear of kids breaking some silly rule, and being reprimanded for disobeying the school authority. But what makes Ahmed's incident unique is the underlying factor of religious commotion. He was arrested on the charges of a possible sinister ulterior motive behind bringing something to school that was construed as a dangerous explosive to an overtly cautious administrator and the security department. The why and wherefore of the school and police suspecting Ahmed's invention of a bomb is still obscure and subjected to scrutiny. But what we can take as gospel is : a ninth grader's usage of the term 'invention' and 'creativity' would never be able to match the lengths to which the U.S patent office would perceive them and what threats these innovations or creations might adumbrate as well. There must be many other Muslim American kids who are faced with the challenge of being derided as Islamic fanatics within the four walls of the classroom. Ever since the 9/11 attack, the London bombings in 2005, the Boston Marathon bombings in 2013, we can't help but be misguided by a constant paranoia about domestic Islamic extremism , and school safety to be precise. As much as the suspension and expulsion ruins a young life and the prospects of a future engineer, dispelling stereotypes and bigotry is also not as easy as a pie or an overnight miracle but a measured process.  

Another side of the story pinpoints the family's obvious capitalization on Ahmed's treatment. The consequences of his harassment has definitely blown the lid off the injustice piling up and severely born by Islamic children in America for more than a decade now. At the same time not every other wrongfully detained high schooler is charmed by the sympathy and support of the social media and ends up receiving accolades from the president and a lifetime offer - 'Want to bring it to the White House?' Hurrah! 

As is the custom, we get carried away by emotions and easily succumb to the gimmicks exercised on us politically, socially and some that hover around our religious sentiments. Talking about the unjust and inappropriate actions taken against Ahmed's playful innovativeness, can we erase the blood stains from the pages of history and the ugly truth masked in between the lines? Can we forget - that terrorism involved Muslim perpetrators began in the United States with the 1993 shootings at CIA Headquarters in Langley, Virginia, followed by the 1993 World Trade Center bombing in New York City?  It has been established that discrimination towards Muslim Americans was prevalent even before the attacks on September 11, which may relate to Islam being frequently portrayed by the media as intrinsically intolerant and violent, nevertheless, post-September 11, 2001, the attacks by Muslim terrorists have irrefutably worsened the general public’s outlook towards mainstream Muslim Americans. The numbers tell a distressing tale. In October 2001, a survey revealed that 47 percent of Americans had a favorable view of Islam. By 2010, that number had reduced to 37 percent. And today, alarmingly, only 27 percent of Americans have an unbiased or a congenial attitude towards Muslim Americans. If the figures have to speak for itself, during the 9/11 tragedy, it was nineteen alleged highjackers alone who claimed lives of 2,996 people; barring them the rest of the two million Muslim population were absolutely innocent, peaceful and clueless about what catastrophe was awaiting. Who to put the blame on then? Meanwhile when you mull over this never ending universal turmoil, why not squeeze in a minute's good laugh over something light hearted? 

The husband being away for next three days on a business trip, my nights are surely longer than usual but certainly no less amusing. Thanks to the uninterrupted 'trendings'. To my utmost glee, I find during the recent Townhall discourse session at the Facebook headquarters in New York City, the Indian PM took his affinity for the lens to a hilarious level. The historic meet was well recorded on the camera until Mark unconsciously blocked the view of the photographers. Modi ji, who is quite an expert in posing away in glory, did not hesitate to hold Zuckenberg's arm like that of a guilty little monster's at the crèche and steer him to the side for going pee-pee without a notice. If we look at it with a grain of salt, it is actually better in fact relieving to have a Prime Minister who doesn't shy away from the camera and knows the art well to entice the crowd with his oratory skills, in comparison to someone who takes pleasure in scams, snoops on Netaji unflinchingly for giving up UNSC seat offers, conspires against contemporaries in pursuit of hunger for power and takes recourse to fallacious appeasement of safe ballots. Yowza! How's that?

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Today is your birthday - A Birthday Note For My Husband

Today is your birthday....

Today is the day God created the reason behind my smile.

He made you to be a man that your parents are proud of.

He made you to be a devoted brother, a grandson and a friend to those who matter.

He made you to be hilarious (because you are)

He made you to be an amazing husband (because you are)

He made you to be the most awesome family man I have come across....

He made you....So that you can love me when I am broken....

He made you....So that you can rescue me from despair.

He made you....So that you can wrap your arms around me and say...

'Baby, don't worry, I'm here'.......

You give me warmth and patience....

You help me unwind and heal...

Because he made you, I have the privilege of being married to the most fabulous person I know.

You are the man who tells me I'm beautiful even when I don't feel like I am.

He made you....So that your magical words can bring me back to life. 

Your friendship is the foundation of our love....

You hold my heart within your palm,

You are the man who armors me when I am scared and makes me feel safe.

Because he made you, I am blessed by your love and support,

You are the one with a gifted rare and precious to find,

Never does a day go by when I'm not thanking God because you are mine.

He made you....So that you can provide for us both physically and spiritually,

Because you were born...On this wonderful day....All  my dreams have come true.

You have shown me the way to inner peace...a strength I never knew.

Because of you, I have learned to feel complete deep down inside,

And achieve so many unattainable goals,

Just by the blessing of having you by my side. 

I love you Uddalok Vasu Mallik.....

Forever and for always.....

Because....Real love stories never end.


Thursday, September 17, 2015

She Bore On Her Body The Marks Of Jesus - The doctrine of the Five Wounds

Holy Cow! Eating beef is sinful in Hinduism! The latest tempest in a teapot and the hypocrisy around it that has caught all of us up in its web is quite a meaty affair. Yes, I am referring to the recent heebie-jeebies sweeping across the country over consumption and banning of beef. And to make it meatier, another hullabaloo has to be about Sunny Leone featuring on a TV commercial that promotes Man Force condoms. I wonder what least could be left to my personal freedom and prerogative had my heart still been beating in the banana republic! I would have definitely been left nowhere jostled amidst a population of 1.28 billion mango people with a mercilessly self-righteous government putting its squeeze on me. To be precise, my decisions wouldn't have remained 'my decisions' anymore, as anybody in a frenzied fanaticism over religion and morality could walk up to me ask - 'Aap ke pati Beef khaate hain? Aur aap Pork? Aap Durga Mata ko poojte nahi ho ka?'  

Firstly, I haven't even touched beef in my life till date, not by the virtue of yelling out loud that my religious sanctity would scorn me for doing so, but simply because the overtly fibrous look and pink tinge of it doesn't draw my gastronomical appetite anywhere near eating the steak like a horse. But I always wanted to marry a beef eater, as I knew, I will be moving to an altogether different part of the world one day where I wouldn't want my kids to freak out in their later years at the sight of an Ox tongue or Suckling Pig being served at a premium gourmet restaurant. We like it or not, we surely are torn in between the crude reality of animal trafficking and the urge to satiate our appetite of a carnivore. Unfortunately, God has enabled our physical characteristics with a certain purpose. In the manner that incisors bestowed upon us among the set of teeth in the mouth doesn't really hold us back from predating and feeding on other mammals that is inclusive of cows, goats and other cattle. 

Who will clarify to these confused trends cocooned in spurious devotion to a holier-than-thou demeanor : there is no evidence that Ma Durga never enjoyed the occasional Prime Cut Steak (Well Done) when out on a date with her pot bellied husband with matted and piled hair tied with snakes and skulled ornaments?  Moreover, Hindu mythology says it all. Leaf through the world history, and one can find - keeping most of its religions in view, the ancient practices are sanctified to accept and implement the slaughtering and offering of animals termed as 'bhog' or a sacrifice. The infuriated avatar of the deity, Devi Durga Durgatinashini, better known as the Chamunda, closely linked with Kali, is also known for being offered human flesh and wine as a part of the ritual. One may worship the Natkhat Nandlal on Janmashtami with coconut dumplings or may even desire the consecrated 'bread of God' signifying the flesh of Jesus Christ at the holy cathedral as a tradition of acknowledging His Divinely presence within one - neither any of these venerates one to the level of a saint nor does one get reduced to an atheist. 

It's sad that despite arriving at an era of Globalization, we are far from enlightening ourselves inside out and extremities of various kinds are drastically impacting and negating our rationality day in and day out. If we look back, it has almost always happened so, that in every field of human endeavor - religious, political and social vetoes have increased the gap between the gifted and the ordinary, the skillful and the amateur manifolds rather than bridging it. It is off late that I am going through this feeling of an intense transition that I can't help but remind myself of what my origin is all about. Not that there aren't reasons enough to bloat like a proud peacock, simply because the tricolored agendas behind my identity demands me to do so! At the same time, how many of us can truly deny the hegemonic hara-kiri and the misogynic decadence that our mother nation has to perpetually withstand? How do we really feel about a nation that believes in imposing dictatorial ship on someone's choice of lifestyle, dietary preferences and forms of prayer, yet rants the slogan of secularism? A state that slams and abhors a woman for her past so much so that she is vilified only as a transmittable disease to be deported back to another nation on the charges of encouraging sexual crimes against women as well as for besmirching the cultural sacredness of the society? Nevertheless, life has to move on and we can't start a weekend all over again. So, while everyone else is busy making it hay while the sun shines, I too choose to put my personal time with the husband for some better use, other than the endless wrangle over rescuing and protecting our Gomata.  

 It is a perfectly lovely and non-productive Sunday. After a leisurely breakfast the husband quickly pops up the plan for the beach. At times all that you want from life is a good dosage of vitamin sea. And we just set off for a tan on the tip of our nose and some sand in between our feet.
My friend from Bangalore, who has been down the weather for a while, gives a sudden tinkle and by the time I can even sort out why she has been trying my ISD number and that she might have possibly, deliberately and arbitrarily shunned all sources of social networking for herself and thus cut her connections off from Whatsapp, we are there. I am so carried away by the waves and the tides, that it takes me a while to realize - she wouldn't obviously know how convenient it has become now to call someone via Whatsapp. But wait! There is a voice mail from her. Her tone unstable, consumed by fear, a hapless melancholia to surrender and surpass my understanding of what might have gone wrong this time. 

Natalia's conjugal life has been juggling between a doting husband, a healthy baby, happily playing one minute, critically ill in the hospital the next. All she knows is, the Holy Christ will take care of her dilemma between what if little Rachel is taken away from her by the ruthless verdict of fate and how she can gather the strength to cope up with this crisis. She often finds herself to be literally on the edge. Through the grey nights and lonely days she is stalked by the terror of losing her child.  
Rachel has this rare syndrome of bleeding without wounds. Sometimes it's size of a pinpoint, sometimes profusely, until Natalia wraps a bandage around those spots oozing red blood cells with no apparent injury on Rachel's tiny body. 

'She wakes up with stains of coagulated blood on her night suit, looking like they have been there for long. And sometimes there are even cuts all over her arms. Goodness Gracious!' Blurts out Natalia.
The first and foremost thing that comes to my mind is the little one may have most probably hurt herself unknowingly in bed and I wouldn't even be surprised if it is the corner of a hard bound fairy tale book. What it can do on her tender skin if not closed properly and kept aside on the bedside table once all the reading is done, has done multiple times to me with a fat Paulo Coelho tome. But I decide to go a little further and make it sound slightly more comprehensive as well as domestically convincing - 'Have you checked your bed? I trust you do not have a mattress with springs. I know someone who had a similar experience with a broken spring sticking up out of the mattress. The other thing you must check is how sharp are her fingernails. Is she clipping them regularly? She must! Faster than they grow at her age.' I insist. 

The problem with most of us is, our conscious mind loves to twist and turn facts and events from our lives to suit our sporadic superstitions fluttering through and through our nomad-like mind capable of etching out and holding on to those illusory images, that otherwise have absolutely no correspondence with our sub conscious self. But then I topple on Natalia's motherly concerns those are emerging from certain first hand observations. It goes without saying, in order to trace and reflect the innermost emotions of a woman when she sees a pound of her flesh bleed in pain, one doesn't necessarily need to become a biological mother. So, I can totally align myself with the hurdles that obscure the path of Natalia's journey as a caring mother with a meticulous eye for her toddler's well being.

'Ushasi! What I see looks and feels more like a satanic attack to me! One night as Rachel peacefully slept, she woke up bargaining in the air as though someone was tugging on her blankets - I heard her telling someone she was sleepy and the play could wait.' Natalia claims. 

'Holy Hell! And what does that mean?' Once back from the beach, I turn on my Skype so that I can throw this very query of mine flat on her face instead of typing all over again.
Natalia looks baffled, a feeling of blue looming up and everywhere. 'Rachel refuses to leave her room upstairs in the attic and says she wants to take more time out of her workbook. Her friends aren't too happy when she can't join them in the games played in front of the mirror and in the rocking chair.' She mutters. 

What can be more perplexing for this poor soul than putting up with such a muddled psychological state of her three year old? She can't really help but at least lend a patient hearing to what her child has to say about her friends who are taller than her, and routinely help her arrange tea parties and stuff animals. All that Natalia can afford is to trust Rachel's words and visualize everything through her eyes. Hence to develop faith in the existence of a couple of veiled figures floating and eluding in between the realms of physical and metaphysical becomes easier for her than me at any given point in time.

The waving disturbances around the house multiplies with Rachel beginning to bleed for no reason. Sometimes bleeding to an extent that she gets into a critical medical mode causing Exsanguinations (the process of blood loss that can prove fatal for anyone, depending upon age, health and overall strength aspect; loss of even half or two-thirds of their body blood volume is sufficient for death to occur.)  

A distant friend, for whom what minimally I can manage to do is to engage myself in some research work and bring some solace to her insomniac nights that have been gripping her hard into these drudgeries which more often than not fail to reach a logical conclusion. But thanks to my Science savvy consort, who helps me figure out and crack every mystery around the world with simple reasoning and illustration. Voila! 

Bleeding out without a visible bruise is a scientifically proven fact and termed as Hematidrosis (Blood sweat) which is a rare medical condition in humans. This indicates nothing grossly abnormal with one's platelet counts, coagulation profile or the sebaceous glands. But it certainly has a strong connection with induced anxiety and prevalent stress soaring up to some serious long-term depression which is often unfathomable by the victims themselves. As a co-relative chain of cues, Rachel's case might very well be suffering from tinted sweat blood which invariably aggravates by increasing stress level tolling on her mind and body. She often refers to glimpses of strange human-beasts that are winged, horned, hoofed, and possess overpowering physicality of irrefutable beings - rather are a plain amalgamation of features varying from one individual to another. She remembers one of them draped in a long flowing White robe and a crown of thorns perorating on the forehead, another with a beard and an axe in his hand. Co-incidentally, Natalia comes from a devout Catholic family and there is also a term as 'Stigmata' used by the believers of staunch Christian ideologies who describe this phenomena as an association with an unexplained bleeding from wounds in the pattern of the crucifixion wounds that Jesus Christ had to go through when he was nailed on the cross. Many a times there are no marks visible but when there are, they mostly resemble holes and punctures on the wrists, palms and feet. What makes Rachel's insight even more justifiable is that the majority of the victims reporting such occurrences all across the globe are females. Some of them even claim to feel a severe pain in all the five places of crucifixion - wrists and feet, from nails and in the side, from a lance.  Signs of blood tears have also been witnessed by many as an outcome of scourging, tolerance and the heaviness on their back from bearing a concealed cross.

 Likewise, Rachel may considerably bear and share the unspoken pain of the Holy Christ and is possibly meant to stand out from rest of the crowd. The syndromes she shows up on and off dwell on an ecclesiastical plain and are symbolic of her being the chosen messenger of the Heavenly Father. Convincingly, her visions may also resonate with the implications of an imaginary Christ who is bearded, garbed in a flowing White robe, and carries an axe (as he was a laborious carpenter by trade), and last but not the least, the flashes of a crown of thorns suggests little Rachel's realizations of the shock, trauma and cruelty engulfing the planet then, and now. Her blood, alike Jesus', Natalia adds, gives out a floral scent and her wounds are never infected but always stay fresh, capable of discharging the plasma whenever she is subjugated by a turmoil of any kind. 

As a matter of fact, the very first instance of Stigmata was brought forth in the year 1224. Leaving aside the medical explanation, there is this spiritual school of thoughts based on the church's conviction - that one may subscribe to or downrightly disbelieve. Side by side, there are innumerable speculations spurring up every day, see-sawing from one interpretation to another.
The thing with the mystic is, since ages, there have been similar sightings, incidents, and circumstances, which Science and Technology have not been able to analyze, reveal and resolve once and for all.

Sometime back, a three year old boy residing in Israel claimed to recall being murdered in his past life. His additional inputs called attention to the tool that was used to put him to a brutal and gory death. The creepiest detailing that has put flesh on these findings, is about his skeleton from the past. He has successfully ushered the elders to discover his reminiscences where his corpse was buried. The truth is, until now, no official research has been able to decipher the mysteries behind the eerie record of this reincarnated kid. 

Another striking account of a twenty year old boy from Edmonton, Canada, has left the doctors bewildered and in a flabbergasted state in the recent times. They left no stones unturned to find an answer to this weird happening. The victim woke up to find himself on fire with blazes spontaneously spreading on his body, owing to which, he was treated for second-degree burns at the nearest hospital.

And it has so happened in the former times, that many such paranormal, inexplicable appearances have had a very close connection with the society undergoing some sort of upheaval. We talk about the fabric of the society, it's moral and ethical orientation, which pretty much satisfactorily juxtaposes our own preaching and practices. Destruction, atrocity, religious fanaticism often take on the shape and form of a Frankenstein's monster and things just turn from ugly to uglier. When America was reeling from the 9/11 attacks and a new sense of insecurity, a hybrid with huge leathery wings and a horse-like head and hoofs was spotted in Jersey. This creature was soon compared to a 'Devil' and has been popular earlier centuries ago amongst Native Americans, and also shocked European settlers  in the eighteenth century. 

We plead, we protest, we pray, we pretend, but are we truly able to demolish these so called devils from our lives? Or are these the manifestations of our inner demons inflicting a perennial malignancy on a degenerative civilization caged within the clutches of a self-damned mankind? Does anyone have a pat answer?

Friday, September 11, 2015

Freedom Is Not Free - Born, Raised And Protected By God, Guns, Guts & Glory!

Now that I know Jesus and I talk to Thee :
I envision a kingdom fearless and its republicans free.
I recall fourteen years ago when I came back from school,
How Faith, Hope, Love was compromised and Humanity sank in a blood spilling pool.

I ask Thou - My Lord, where were you when the world came to a halt,
Turning that bright September morning into an infernal jolt?
Could you see thousands of lives quivering and gaping in terror?
Could you feel the growing grief and heightening anguish casting back on Big Apple's mirror?

Did you care to stand still by the burning debris and share the pain and shock?
A gust of black smoke rose against the clear blue sky and retched that rapturous Sea Hawk?
Could you discern the trauma and anger when a far-flung woman made a parachute from curtains and froze in mid air falling to her death?
Could you witness the victims' palpable tragedy in choosing to elude the metal bending heat that left them gasping for breath?

Did you notice the bereaved mothers weeping for their moribund children?
Couldn't you have decamped from your Heavenly home and looked up for some kind of answer then?
Did you mourn over the legion of carcasses strewn all over the West Street?
Did you help the survivors seek courage and manage to triumph over fate's satanic treat?

Did you watch the enemies rejoice in iniquitous glee?
While the enraged heroes unsnarled their tormented spirits and the pounding hearts ceased to bleed in a solemn plea?
Didn't thou just explode in thy nation's pride?
When blood tears seeped out and the face of Liberty had no place to hide? 

Did you cry in indignity thrown around the glorious Red White and Blue?
Why did you abandon thy countrymen unnerved in debilitation so true?
Justice will be served - Every American knows;
The Day of Judgment isn't far behind, and shall obliterate thine fiendish foes.

The unforgettable agony shall ride on a golden chariot,
Galloping away in reprisal; mercy shall spare no sinful zealot : Thou might grant them rehabilitation, WE WILL NOT!
Here is our declaration to the ends of the earth -
No degree of atrocity can deter us in this birth. 

Now that I know Jesus and I talk to Thee, 
I envision a kingdom fearless and its republicans free;
Freedom comes at a heavy price, so United We Stand, 
Protecting and Treasuring the Honor of our Motherland.