Tuesday, March 8, 2016

The Damsel That Fashioned Into A Dragon - Evelyn

On International Women's Day every year, we refer to popular and heavy terms such as 'Liberation' and 'Empowerment' of women all around the world. We perpetually and equivocally slogan the agendas of 'Equality' and 'Feminism'. That's just the brighter side for someone like you and I. For someone who has got everything that a decent life calls upon. Yet we fuss, complain, compare, compete and brood. What about the perennial darkness that someone like a rape victim or an acid attack survivor is meant to shoulder for life?
Similar to that of sexual assault and domestic abuse, acid violence too is a gender based violence that reflects and perpetuates the inequality and oppression among women in the society. Anyone who keeps the intent to throw acid in someone's face adheres to a pervasively malevolent orgy, and aims at scarring the victim for life. A survey reveals that 75-80% cases have got women and girls falling prey to this sinister crime, whereas, of the female victims, 30% are under 18.

As the entire world is busy celebrating freedom and emancipation of women today, I found it worthwhile bringing the personal account of an acid attack survivor to the forefront. I have known Evelyn for some time now, and learning about her journey and struggles has been inspirational. I have been requested to maintain confidentiality on her privacy and factual details, but her story as well as stamina is definitely something that should be voiced. She's amazing in her very own way, and those brutal attempts of her envious lover to disfigure her forever has failed to annihilate her ceaseless spirit of survival and everlasting love for life. I can't wait to share Evelyn's message that she specifically wishes me to pass on to each one of you out there - 

"Darling, you're a goddess. And once you know what that truly means, I pray for anyone who tries to hurt you. More and more power to you! Happy International Women's Day!"

I ask what makes her powerful? "My story" she murmurs…
Like a many hued butterfly she clicks around and flutters…
Is there anything she can’t handle? I want to know –
"I walk with the universe on my shoulders, unabated and slow"…
As I sit down to wallow in the tales of her unsurpassed courage and glory,
She breaks her silence behind the wisdom that builds her incredible story.
"I was broken, I was knocked down, and it made every chip look beautiful,
I was defeated, felt an excruciating pain, that most couldn’t manage to pull.

I am Evelyn, the blessed child of the Lord,  
My battle has taught me to raise an invisible sword.
I bear my scars as if they are some gifted angel wings,
Surviving an acid attack, my soul still burns with those fiery stings.
I am full of sparkle that makes my inner strength invincible,
For years I have looked fear in the face, but running away? Nay, that’s not sensible.
The holy Father always shows a way to get back up like a warrior,
 I was frail, I made mistakes, but fear of truth is the worst barrier. 

I practice compassion day after day, I refuse to hide my face in regret,
How I wish every woman willfully wears her wrinkles and not deem them a threat.
Tell your daughters they belong here; no disaster can rumple their beatitude,
They are unbeatable, magnificent in all forms; never to be guilty of such plenitude.
There may come a day when the skin is worn out, the feathers may lose its gleam,
Never sport them like a drunken apology, however hard it may seem.
Sometimes life can be demanding, but at no cost remove those jewels from your crown,
You are too strong, too precious a woman whose grandeur shall certainly not drown."