Monday, August 24, 2015

An open letter to the most amazing woman for all the times she makes sure my world continues to spin on its axis.

Dearest Momy,

Every birthday of yours, rather every single day is special to me. I have been motor-mouthing ever since you brought me into this world and you know pretty well what you mean to me. I would be falling short of words to suffice on my elucidation of what an incredibly strong role you have been playing as my best friend, my confidante and my driving force. I believe, all this makes it up for an amazing mother and you have panned out this mother-daughter chemistry all the more beautifully with your unconventional and stupendously liberal outlook. I am not sure how I am going to do justice to this, but I surely wish to make an effort and put it in a few candid lines so as what has been so extraordinary about my journey with you on earth. Beyond that, in my connection with you from the womb itself, you have ensured that nobody dulls my sparkle. You have been on guard round-the-clock, yet let me stake on thin ice with all my ambitions, obstinacy, whims and instabilities for last thirty one years. On this very special day of yours, I want to enlighten you with your ever inseparable aura in my life, my visions and my sole being. :)

You started off with enabling me to appreciate every job well done. May it be our helper assisting you in chopping the onions, or your chef mastering your signature Chinese dish at the roof top restaurant. You have always shown me a way to say thanks and applaud every person from every class, creed and social strata on accomplishing a task delegated to them. More power to each one of them!

You taught me religion. You introduced me to ONE God, ONE belief, ONE faith. The universal Mother, the supreme of all, and how I am to submit myself at her lotus feet - simply wait and allow the best to come through. *Voila*

You taught me the value of time. And avoid procrastination. I remember how you knocked me down at times - 'If you don't finish the next Chemistry chapter now, which you absolutely abhor for obvious reasons, I am going to drag you out of the bed with the alarm ticking at 5:30 am sharp and you know i can do it!' *Grrrr*

You taught me logic. I till date couldn't decipher what is it with a stroke of pearl white nail paint on my little fingers once in a while? Why, I mean why you had to be so harsh on me at times yet keep every bit of your beauty aids on display? It was possibly your steadfastness fused with your unflinching principles that prepared me for taking it all on the chin. That tough look was enough to put the fear of God inside me and you went like - 'Because I said so, that's why!' *Sigh*

You taught me about anticipation. 'Just wait till we get home'. And that very idea that you'll remain upset with me for breaking the rules did all the magic. Yes, I wondered and wished you were slightly more considerate and gave me the leverage to play with dirt and mess it up right after you bathed me, but I, kind of looked forward to you yelling out loud - 'Will you look at that dirt on the back of your neck? Go and wash it off!' *Chuckle* :D

You taught me OSMOSIS. You actually zipped my lip and made me gulp down my most hated boiled fish and vegetable stew when you said - 'Shut your mouth and eat your supper!' This came with a lot of charging up of my stamina as you didn't let me move from the dining table until I choked down that tumbler full of horrible buttermilk -'You'll sit there until all those layers of cream is gone!' *Pheww* 

You taught me about humor when you declared - 'When that leech sucks blood from you tiny toes beating around the lawn, don't come running to me.' I knew instantly, my toy knife wasn't the sharpest weapon to attack those biting louses. *Demonic Grin* :D 

You taught me ESP and ensured that I cover my ears and head from the chills and shivers of Darjeeling winters with my chronic tonsillitis, while my throat got sore and I could hardly utter a word. The best remedy to this was when you commanded - 'Put your sweaters on. Don't you think I know when you are cold?' *Wink Wink*

And the epic happened when I broke up for the first time and ran to your fold and you comforted me with your words of wisdom - 'When you get to my age, you'll understand.' But understand WHAT Mumma? The anatomy of my hormonal changes? My desires and disappointments? Those rebellious riots of argument in the house? You were right. Even though I'm yet to become a mother, I can still realize the obscurity around a mother's apprehensions, concerns and protectiveness. Now that the thirties have finally caught up, I am also familiar how the mother of a girl knows what is best for her. :)

I always loved it when you reminded me of my roots - 'You are strong. Not meant to give in to life's challenges thrown at your pretty face and petite shoulders. You are more than that.'

It was a great compliment for me every time you preached me a lesson of genetics. 'You're just like your father'. I am fully aware of your deliberate pun intended that I am as forthright, as assertive and as freethinking as my dad, which comes with its own set of pluses and minuses. 

Now that I have a household of my own, responsible for managing, monitoring and manipulating every inch of it, having seen you run the show so competently gives me an ace up my sleeve and the confidence that I can do it too! I know I often made you go mad with my shoes in the hallway and my clothes scattered on the floor, but now, you most definitely miss my makeup and hair serums and all the accessories that used to be laid out lavishly on the dresser. Do you miss all my jazzy nail colors mixed up for a new and innovative one stored in each small jar? Do you remember how those dresses and jeans hung off in a disoriented fashion making the closet a battlefield when I dressed up? Last but not the least, do you smirk and have a good laugh within yourself when my lacy pink little underwear which was misplaced by a mischievous teen-aged maid flashes in your realm of memories? Spirits that smelled fabulous and cool lipstick shades that were ransacked during the then ongoing sale at L'Oreal - Does all this bring those golden days and our friendship back into your mind? 

Having said all that, you taught me to value the small joys of life. I enjoyed every moment of those rickshaw rides with you in the month of April awaiting a precarious Kal Baishakhi jhor, and the last to last year especially turned little extra thrilling with our inexhaustible zest for hopping the exhibitions at the Mela ground and the gusty December day coming to a freezing closure. Be it a handbag worth Rs. 600 grabbed from Sarojini Market, or a Rs. 10,000 one picked from DLF Promenade, you always made sure I took good care of it. That's possibly the reason why all my precious possessions of childhood are still in such good condition that I can easily auction them off in London for thousands of dollars! Tee-Hee! :D 

To sum up it up - the acme of your awesomeness lies in how you opened up a vista of relationships, their fundamentals and intricacies to me with each passing year. You taught me to let go off what doesn't matter anymore, at the same time you empowered me with the tenacity to hold on to what meant the most. You just have to see me beaming with pride when I am told these days - 'A glimpse of your mother's splendid decorative sense can be found in your new home'.....or simply - 'You so resemble her in your elegance and doting nature'. *Yippe*:D

To wrap up this birthday tribute, I must not miss out on what is my favorite! And that's when you voluntarily or involuntarily adjust my favorite Maroon vintage Brocade saree pallu of yours facing the mirror and pronounce those truly majestic words - 'One day you'll have kids and I hope they turn out just like you!' *Gee Whiz* :D  

You mean the world to me Mumma! And you light up my life like nobody else does! Thanks for the 
gift of life. XOXO :*



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