I am Neerja. Neerja Bhanot. My parents fondly called me 'Laado'. I came from a middle class Hindu Brahmin family based in Chandigarh. My papa, late Harish Bhanot was a journalist, and my mummy, Rama Bhanot, a homemaker. After being blessed with two sons, they had been longing for a daughter for quite some time. They prayed day after day hoping for a baby girl. They even visited Sati Mata temple of Hoshiarpur, in Hariana, and performed various rituals. My dearest mummy fasted endlessly, but her exhausted body never faltered in carrying out the household duties with utmost sincerity and dedication. When papa came back late from office, my brothers, Akhil and Aneesh finally stopped fighting over their playtime issues. Mummy always had the last word; one call out - 'Khaana lag gaya hai', and nobody dared a delay in reaching the dinner table.
It was September 7, 1962, my mummy brought me to earth. For the very first time, I felt a human touch, that of the doctor's on my tender skin after nine months of imprisonment inside a closed compartment that cushioned my organs to develop. The overflowing amniotic fluid hazed out my vision, hence I preferred keeping my eyes closed, and the umbilical cord helped me derive oxygen and the essential nutrients, so it lessened my effort in breathing and eating, thus survival and growth was easy. I was told that papa was on top of the world after hearing about my arrival from the maternity ward matron and gave her a double thanks along with a box of motichoor sweets.
My parents raised me like a princess. I was made to feel special in every single way and they got me all the things of joy and treasure even before I named them. I completed my schooling from Sacred Heart School in Chandigarh, and fared moderately well in all subjects which got me pampered by my parents all the more as ghar ki sab se chhoti, laadli. In fact, I can't remember mummy or papa addressing me as 'Neerja' and not 'Laado', more than a couple of times in my twenty-three year's life on earth. I was tall, lean, reserved and a no nonsense child. I, very clearly knew what I aspired for, and my career oriented temperament got me focused on my participation in school debates, sports competitions and fashion shows.
Childhood in Chandigarh was one of a kind. We were fortunate to witness the preciousness of a simple small town joint family of four, whose members had their emotional strings closely and firmly attached to each other. There were those idyllic memories of hot summer day drives to Ambala, that called for my mischievous brothers to contest over who could finish a glass of buttermilk at our most popular 'Puran Singh Da Dhaaba' en route to Ambala. I also remember those chilly winter evenings when papa drove all of us to Rishikesh for a fun weekend, and mummy kept us warm with her self-knitted sweaters. Blue for Akhil, Green for Anish, Red for me. And ahhh! The best part was when we not only savored the aroma of freshly made crispy aloo ke paranthe, but also polished off as many pieces as we felt like! That too, from the bottom of our hearts. We didn't have to diet then. So there was no fear of becoming overweight, and then getting grounded by the employer.
My brothers played Beatles, and they went through their many phases of personal discovery. It's not that they shared everything with me. I used to be their little doll. Protected from all perils, dealt with extreme care and sensitivity. My mummy's devoted role in the family was inspiring. She was the epitome of deep affection and sacrifice. She had a disturbed childhood wherein my nana ill-treated my naani. My naani wanted my mother to do something for herself, and become a schoolteacher. But she fell in love with papa at the age of seventeen and her studies were left half way owing to their marriage. I didn't want to be like mummy anyway. I did not wish to spend my entire life in the kitchen preparing tiffin for my kids. My father got a new posting and we moved to Bombay in March, 1974. I was in the sixth standard. Papa took me to Scottish High School for admission and he was told point blank by friends and relatives that admission would be impossible. But the principal sir was kind. He helped the process to start without any donation but considering my merit. As I grew up, I made it very clear to papa that I wouldn't want to pursue higher education. I was aiming at becoming a smart cabin crew and I knew only flying could give me those wings that I needed to set myself free and realize my potentials. I wanted to touch the skies, I wanted to befriend the clouds, I wanted to explore greater horizons that rarely a girl of that time from an ordinary family like mine was allowed to.
Mummy was a strong believer in astrology. She didn't appreciate the idea much of letting me step out of home for a challenging and demanding profession of an air hostess. However, papa was not so skeptical about my ambitions. While mummy always wanted me within the comfort zone of home, family and children, papa encouraged me and kept himself abreast with all the opportunities that Air India and Indian Airlines were offering that time. We didn't have mobile phones then, nor did we have an access to the Internet like the youngsters of today. Hence, keeping a track of job vacancies for airline positions zeroed down to newspapers.
Age was slowly catching up on papa and mummy wasn't keeping well. I learned from Akhil that they were looking for a suitable match for me to settle down. It came across as pretty much shattering for me, but if that brought them peace, I should be fine with that, I thought. I tried convincing myself, nevertheless, the idea of marriage kept me totally alien to what was going to happen to my flying dreams going forward.
My wedding was arranged. I tied the knot in March 1985, following a newspaper advertisement, and joined my husband in the Gulf. He appeared to be a decent guy, and little did we know of relationships, equations and wavelengths then, that couples of today's date take pride in. I was heading a foreign land to make a home, keeping the image of my doting mother in mind and the well-defined principles that my father had replicated in me. My papa believed in sharing his happiness and good times with loved ones, but not the adversities that life inevitably brings in for all. When the decision was made between the two families, it was categorically agreed upon as a dowry less marriage. My papa could have no way said yes to a business deal, giving his darling daughter away in the name of conjugal bliss. But probably fate had something else in store for my loving family. My husband turned out to be a scoundrel and started to show his real colors. He demanded heavy dowry and my marriage began to fall apart with no sign of love and mutual respect. I tried hard not to disclose about my jolts and wounds to my family and I had to put up with his daily abuses for begging to lend me money so that I could make a telephone call at home in India. My days were overcast with a gloomy patch of material loss and gain, and my nights were tormenting with continuous physical assault until I collapsed on the floor. When I asked him about the deception that was ruining my life, I was told that even a pauper father would gift something to his daughter in marriage, and that 'something' definitely meant a lump sum burning my father's sweat and blood, that would have perhaps satiated my husband's family's uncompromising avarice, yet not guaranteed a hassle free and happy marriage for this 'Laado'. I could envisage my family's breakdown on the news of this tragedy that my marriage was heading to, and I had no option but to stay tight lipped despite all ordeals that starved me off not only finance but also food. I realized I was getting weak and losing weight. My otherwise bright and flawless skin was reflecting the inner battle I was going through. He used to beat me up mercilessly if I retaliated and there was little room left for any empathy or consideration. He got me over a barrel and I couldn't thnk sanely. There was not a single soul I knew I could reach out for help and I was literally losing hope. One day, I secretly used the home telephone to get in touch with my childhood friend, in Bombay. He was to some extent familiarized with the scenario and helped me apply for a modeling agency with some immediate opening. It had been only two months and I was so very drained that it took me several weeks to regroup myself and put my life back on track again. He had been torturing me mentally too, as if I was little worthy of any human treatment. At last, the crude reality was brought to light and my parents opened the door for me on my return to Bombay. Under such unrealistic pressures from my in laws, I was reassured of my faith in Sati Mata when my family stood resolute by my side to give me strength and move on. So many times their 'Laado' was tried and tested, so much we all had already born with because of my ill fated marriage, that nothing could mark these four gritty souls less than my savior.
Luck was about to shine on me as I decided to accept the modeling contract that I was banking upon. I needed a source of earning. My earning, and not be a burden on my aging parents and my brothers' families. In our culture, 'shaadi ke baad ladki parayi dhan ho jaati hai'. 'Uske pati ka ghar hi uska ghar hota hai' - such old school notions were ingrained into the system of girls from our cast and community at a very early age and unlike the recent times, no feminist message could be trending from the length and breadth of a ‘tolerant’ nation and thereby empower women from door to door in order for breaking the rules and stand for themselves. At least my family didn't superimpose such patriarchal norms on my existence, and I still had the scope and age to create my own identity and make them proud. The scar from the past wasn't easy to be forgotten as a nightmare, and a humiliating letter from my so called husband followed, declaring a charter of demands and his dictating terms as a condition to my possible return, which we unanimously refused to comply with. He called me 'useless' and 'just a graduate' which had crushed my self-respect brutally but not my self-confidence remotely. Thanks to my amazingly supportive family, for all that they had been doing for me, and I shall remain forever indebted to them for giving me one big chance so that I could fetch them a reason to burst with pride with the very reference of their ‘Laado’.
I started modeling, and I got noticed overnight through the television commercials. I became a well-known face but it gave me peanuts even to share an apartment with my co strugglers in Bombay city. I had to catch a big fish to learn about the industry where my dreams roosted and I hardly knew anyone who had made it big by that time. Nonetheless, I applied for a flight attendant's job and Pam Am happened. It was a big test for me, as it wasn't only about good looks and communications. We underwent tricky situational analysis as a part of the interview process and such a huge round of general knowledge questions. Thankfully my last two months’ crash/almost no diet (that I was forced to go through), had helped me shed off those flabby bit that every Punjaban is heard complaining of after a certain age! Blame it on the desi ghee that all the awesome mummies use for their signature Methi Mathri and many more delicacies. So, my chances to crack this time were slim but finding my place amongst the top eighty out of nearly ten thousand applicants was invariably by the grace of Mata Di.
It was sort of a unique feeling of my new found liberty. My sense of individuality and independence that was crippled for so long and left my inner being devastated, now, could clearly see the purpose of my life sketched out. It was time to bounce back, more intently than ever, and I could see my dreams coming true. My goals were delineated once and for all and I was ready to put in my heart and soul no matter what. I was not 'just a graduate' who was questioned of her meager worth 'what are you?' I thought my free spirit was for the very first time uplifted and let off the hook. It was time to prove who I was and what mummy and papa had made of me for past twenty three years. I never wanted anything more passionately other than helping people, assisting them onboard while their safety and security would be solely my prime conern, and we would be soaring above at the height of 36,000 feet from the ground level.
Upon my selection with Pan Am and signing up for the basic cabin crew training, which included fast aid, emergency demonstration and safety and security services, our new team was sent to Miami for training. I was extremely eager to travel all around the world and was adaptable to the international culture.
I made a couple of good friends who were my batch mates and we undertook an in depth training program pertaining to the flight attendant's standard manual. The training was rigorous, and involved lots of theory as well as physical labor. We had to be well versed with various aviation terminologies, and the most vital was to understand the physiology of the aircraft. I was gradually overcoming the trauma and agony of a broken marriage and as I looked around me, it was sunshine everywhere ushering on a new beginning. My consciousness had surpassed the boundaries of guilt and forgiveness, and so, I stopped brooding over my past. Some of my colleagues knew about the personal mishap, and few chosen ones were even aware of the bitterness that my soured marriage had cast on my mind. I smiled, but they knew that I hated him to the core. After all, it was human.
I caught a good grip on the security procedure training, and my communication was always above average. I was asked to brush up my English to get rid off that slight mother tongue influence and I was soon excelling in the announcements and the emergency demonstrations too. Passenger handling was closest to my heart and I was a bit nervous when we were learning to operate the electronic devices onboard. In the initial days, I used to have butterflies in my stomach during the pre take off and pre landing hours. Safety measures, apron safety, carry on baggage placement in the upper head unit and galley management was comparatively uncomplicated and I enjoyed experiencing the different emergency situations, wherein we were to take charge of the crisis and comfort our jittery passengers and assist them in things like turbulence, decompression, usage of the oxygen mask, and finally the evacuation. My greatest apprehension was what if I couldn't look after infants with choking problems and old people and expectant mothers in need. My hand used to tremble when I was asked to do the dressing for wounds and sprains, and check the pulse rate for people fainting and suffering from heart attacks. It wasn't easy, but I made my way through the hardships and qualified in the examinations that followed. There were multiple psychometric tests conducted to gauge our innate abilities such as reasoning, judgmental qualities, interpersonal skills and leadership traits. I scored very well in all of them and was soon flying as a full time flight attendant. I was highly appreciated for my quick wittedness and decision making fervor, and thus I was designated as the senior most in my team of girls. Miami training days were truly crucial and it shone the light of success and achievement upon me, and the ultimate peace and content that I promised to bring to my benevolent family. My Miami inflight instructor Mr. Keith D. Smith applauded me with recognition more than once and my responsibilities multiplied to that of a flight purser, the head of our Pan Am crew team.
I used to be regularly in touch with home and they came to know about my promotion. I was back to Bombay as my base after six months and enrolled for an anti-hijacking course as an integral part of the training. Seniority meant more commitment, and commitment couldn't have come without invincibe determination and persistent dedication. I don't know why, mummy was always apprehensive of the risks that my job inevitably necessitated and at times she will be so worried that she will call the training center and beg me to quit - 'Teri modeling itni achhi chal rahi hai Laado, yeh air hostess ka job kyon nahi rehne deti hai?'
I could feel the degree of her unease growing manifolds with my each flight. But what could I do? I asked her not to think that way - 'I love my job mummy! Agar duniya ki saari mummy aisa sochne lagengi, desh ki koi bhi beti apne mulk ke liye kooch nahi kar payegi.'
For me, my work was worship and I was representing my state and country at an international level, which stipulated unrestricted zeal to perform, unflinching belief in oneself to take control and the courage to overcome all obstacles. And my Pan Am stature was a great gift of Sati Mata and the fruit of my tough grinds as well as long haul flights. I couldn't have imagined looking back.
It's not that I didn't feel lonely. It's not that I didn't feel the urge for a partner who could appreciate my talents and hold my hand with unconditional love. But sadly, the world is full of vulturous motifs and selfless people are hard to find. So, one has to work very hard to leave one's own mark by doing something commendable, something noble. My modeling was continuing side by side and the odd hours often had me deprived of sufficient sleep. Once back from the international flights, my body used to be hit by jet lag and I would often sleep all day long and keep awake the whole night until it was time to get ready and start for the airport. I wasn't really getting obsessed with the idea of life after death, but the thought of my family in my absence disturbed me. I often wondered what's the meaning of life? Is there also a life after death? Why am I here? What am I doing? What will happen after I die one day? Will everything change or stay as it is? All that lure for glamor, all that exhilaration before receiving those bulky paychecks, all the perks to show around my family abroad with free tickets and holiday packages at the best hotels of the world...Will it all also have its expiry date? I never read or heard about afterlife, nor did I believe in rebirth. But the verse that was taught to us as young kids in school, that all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again - kind of shook me from within. Yes, I was petrified of death. And nothing terrified me as much as the sense of nothingness that I knew would come one day as I depart from this beautiful world. But would I really be leaving behind everything that I earned so far? - I pondered. What will happen to all the reputation, all the honor and all the certificates? How could a person like me, with thoughts, dreams, feelings and aspirations simply cease to be in a blink of an eye? Come what way, one thing was sure, that the man who disregarded these, would at no cost be allowed to have even his shadow fall on my body, when it would be time for the soul to part with the flesh and bones.
Those days, I was trying hard to strike out a balance between work and family. I missed home and I could devote only a couple of hours to spend with my parents. I decided to move in at my parents' place. I did that. One of the days, I returned from Frankfurt. It was a Tuesday morning (September 2). My entire Wednesday went in shooting for a new modeling assignment, following which, I had to show up for another prestigious assignment on Thursday. I had to report for shooting at 9 a.m. and it turned out to be one of the best and most satisfying with director Ayesha Sayani. We didn't require too many takes, and Ayesha was happy and so was I. When I asked Ayesha, who was highly talented, enthusiastic and also a good friend - 'Main theekthak toh lag rahi hoon na? Meri neend poori nahi hui hai Ayesha'...to which she replied - 'I haven't seen a dedicated professional like you Neerja. Tu kaise sambhal leti hai? You make a wonderful model as well as an immensely committed air hostess. It's your inner light that reflects serenity on your beautiful face. Tu hamesha achhi lagti hai. Have a great flight tomorrow.' - Having said that, she smiled and we said good bye while hugging each other. I didn't know I was seeing my director friend for the last time. It was my last shoot, last take and precisely my last modeling assignment.
Once home around 8 p.m. I had a light dinner and retired early. It was the night prior to my Pan Am flight on September 5, the year was 1986. My birthday was barely forty-eight hours away, and I would have turned twenty-three on September 7 that year. Before I went off to sleep, papa asked me who all I have invited for my birthday party. I was supposed to be back to Bombay on Sunday morning, after long hours of flying, hence, I suggested him to keep it a quiet family affair. My papa had only heard from me about the brighter side of my highly remunerative and sought after job, that every single working day tok me to a new destination and a set of new passengers to interact with, but he had no clue of what kind of a life threatening aspect it brought along with the privileges. He could visualize that I was doing something varied and more diverse than almost anything other, but what he couldn't anticipate was the danger associated with my duties and its inherent thrill.
As I went to bed, I asked mummy to wake me up ninety minutes prior to the pickup call from Pan Am and she kept insisting that I telephone them to excuse myself owing to a very tiring day. Despite a lot of coaxing and cajoling, I didn't agree, to which she stated that her duty conscious daughter was a hard nut to crack - 'Laado, tu din din aur ziddi hoti jaa rahi hai. Bilkul apni papa ki tarah.' And she smiled. Her last few words faded into my ears as I was too fatigued to reply to her. She must have closed the door carefully to avoid any noise that could occur and thus hamper my sleep, as I used to be very fussy about looking and feeling fresh when I started on my flights. Pan Am informed that the pickup time will be 1.15 a.m. (September 5), and I could hardly open my eyes. I heard mummy banging hard on the door, which on pulling from outside used to get auto locked from inside my bedroom. She used to keep knocking until I responded to her, and she would know that I'm up. I never used to set an alarm on the clock and we of course didn't have IPhones then to drive all the weariness away with its coarsest alarm which rings within your eardrums at 200 decibels and is deadly enough to turn you deaf. I keep seeing all the lazy young cabin crews of today who party all night after long flights and hardly catch up on their sleep. And when they finally doze off for an hour or two before getting into their uniforms, they wake up to a huge jerk as if some sonic weapon has been drilled into their ears and that's how they are used to dragging themselves out of the comfort of their bed.
A cold bath always did wonders for me in the early morning and soon I was grooming myself, when mummy wanted to wake up papa so that he could wish me luck. I asked her not to. Mummy usually kissed my forehead before I left from home, that day she did early pooja of Mata Di and sanctified the kada that I wore on my right wrist with her blessings.
I was going on a very special flight indeed, Pan Am 73, the Pan American World Airways Boeing 747-121, which was heading New York City through Frankfurt. It was a great moment for me, as I was the one leading the crew members as their head purser. Our aircraft, with 360 passengers on board, had just arrived from Sahar International Airport, Mumbai. We were preparing the cabin so that boarding could take place and we could depart Jinnah International Airport in Karachi, Pakistan, for Frankfurt airport in West Germany, ultimately continuing on to John F. Kennedy international airport, in New York City, United States. While our flight was still on the ground in Karachi, it was all of a sudden hijacked by three heavily armed Arabic-speaking militants. They were of Palestinian origin, and belonged to Abu Nidal Organization backed by Libya. We couldn't foresee what ugly fate this setback was inviting for all of us, but keeping our cool and composure was the only option. There was a sudden riot of shock and terror doing rounds within the passenger cabin and people began to panic. It was my duty as the senior most member in the crew team to comfort the crying children, their frantic mothers and the horrified old citizens. I consistently kept using words of consolation so that I could know what would be my next step. But for that, I needed to understand the intent of the terrorists. Sometimes it's just the trepidation that is created by the tooled up appearance of these Jihadis, and their high pitched threats to victimize the innocent, that they take pleasure in. But I couldn't have taken a chance, as so many lives were at stake. The hijackers started giving rounds up and down the aisle pushing me away, as though taking a look at the passengers and minutely discerning their identity. On continuously screaming and demanding to know who all were the Americans, it was somewhat evident that American citizens were the main target of these Islamic terrorists.
Since the plane was on the tarmac, yet they had fully captured it, I knew, evacuation could still be possible. But before I could act on any further step, the terrorists instructed me to collect the passports of all the passengers so that they could identify the Americans, executing them seemed difficult to them, otherwise. Being the senior most attendant, I had to apply my presence of mind as well as I could, and served coffee and sandwiches hoping to keep the passengers calm. Meanwhile, the hijack code needed to be activated through the intercom, which was right next to our jump (crew) seat. One factor that I couldn't have neglected at that time of turmoil and uncertainty, was to keep my smile on. I had to smile, and I did smile, believing that Mata Di was there to safeguard me from all drudgeries. Our idea was to conceal all the passports of the American passengers, so that the militants couldn't have fathomed who was and wasn't US citizen. That was problematic for them, and we as a team took the maximum advantage of the same.
I luckily concealed many passports. I managed to convey in code words to my teammates, so that they could gather all of them and hide the ones belonging to Americans. There were all total fifty-one Americans on board, and my girls did an incredible job in hiding some under the seat cushions, and the rest down into a rubbish chute.
As the hijacking message had to be spread across the cockpit as well, I tried approaching the intercom. One of the terrorists grabbed me by my ponytail, but I was able to shout the code name for a hijacking, and with the promptness and cooperation of another attendant, it was relayed to the cockpit crew : the pilot, co-pilot, and flight engineer. It was human and very instinctive of these three American members of the cockpit crew to escape thus grounding the airplane. Being the senior most crew member on board right after the captain of the ship, I had to take over with a smile on my face. I could see the development was angering the militants. I had to struggle to gather guts even to speak to them, and defying their commands would have endangered all the lives onboard instantaneously. I was forced to communicate with them and deal with those dreaded men singlehandedly, while my juniors had almost surrendered and we all were at the mercy of those butchers. Probably that was the real trial of undaunted courage and unyielding conviction and I had to find a way. Hours after hours I persuaded and pleaded them to free us from that infinite misery, but the only response that my patience, politeness and smile got in that distressed state was the fact that they refrained themselves from any attack till that point in time. They were severely confused and unable to figure out the national origins of the passengers and thus hadn't started executing anyone. This continuous drama enraged them further and seventeen hours had already passed. I had no qualms about our cockpit team abandoning the aircraft - so many passenger lives lay on the line, and we, the thirteen cabin crews were on the threshold of an emotionally arduous circumstance. Getting out of the barbaric grasp of these cold blooded men wasn't easy. Obviously, determining the actions that the cockpit crew should have taken on hearing the hijack code were unknown to us. For the time being, the faces of my family members kept flashing before my eyes and there were times I wished Mata Di could give me more strength to keep my spirit indomitable and consequently fight for the sake of my guests and colleagues. In the meantime, I was sure, the news of my flight getting hijacked had reached mummy papa. They would have definitely tried their level best to find out more about what was going on at Karachi airport. At a personal level, I was glad that at least I could provide the kids with some left over duty free toys, and the adults were looked after within permissible limits. My biggest victory then was winning their trust as my smile was taken to be an assurance for solution and hope for survival. For a moment we all wanted to believe that the worst was not far from over.
But in reality, things were going out of control as the power generator ran out of fuel. I was standing very close to the leader of the terrorists, and the voltage was failing, making the cabin lights turn dim. They were unstoppable and opened fire. There was an outcry for help and blood curdling shrieks from passengers and crew members. The guns were emitting fire aimlessly within the aircraft and I dashed off to the emergency exit with whatever physical strength was left in me, so that I could throw it open. My first priority was to help my passengers to get out of the flight immediately, though many died on spot and it was a narrow escape for many who could manage to jump out of the exit. The zealots made it even worse by setting off explosives and shooting people randomly. The cabin was dismal due to smoke and many started bleeding from their nose due to lack of oxygen. I ran into them only to push them hard outside the exit while many lay on the ground strewn with blood. There were few already injured whom I could manage to quickly drag to the rear exit to get out, as the fall from the wing exit would have been too long for the terrified souls. Thanks to the Pakistani police force for they raided the plane at the right time enabling me to evacuate all the passengers as the firefight ensued. I was left alone and last on board, as the rules and regulations were expected to be, and it was my duty to do the last check. To my shock, I found three little children still hiding. It was a matter of these young lives, whose guiltless eyes and helpless condition broke my heart. I just couldn't leave them behind. I had perhaps pulled them out a bit toughly but time was short and the terrorists would have shot down these poor souls in a fraction of a second. I was leading them to the emergency exits, but alas! These surviving terrorists spotted the children and opened fire on them. I felt something strangely overpowering me and the given 'Shakti' of my Sati Mata that I had been calling upon for help all the while were dissipated inch by inch. The time had come, to do something in the interest of the mankind. After all, who could have resisted saving these tiny humans who deserved nothing but intense compassion and a renewed life to see another day? I jumped in the way of the bullets directed at them and the first one wounded me in my neck. What followed was a hail of several more bullets which I managed to escape from and finally succeeded in evacuating the kids safely. I was hurt, and could see a fountain of blood gushing all the way down the sleeves of my jacket. I was still standing on my feet, trying to touch the kada on my right wrist. I don't know why, that always gave me massive fortitude in the times I needed a boost. I was caught by the leader of the terrorists and he shot me point blank in my abdomen. He continued to unsparingly riddle the bullets into my chest, shoulder and arms until his AK 47 may have been entirely emptied and I couldn't help but collapse on the floor. That time the fall was harder than the earlier falls I had while beaten down by my estranged husband. I had to make a lot of effort to breath, unlike those times when I was in mummy's womb and the cord that used to bind me to her helped me inhale oxygen. I tried keeping my eyes open looking for my colleagues but couldn't find any of them. There was a sense of uncanny relief I found in that wait until the terrorists' gun was silenced with the last bullet. Two of my girls soon rushed in to the aircraft and found me profusely bleeding lying on the cabin floor. It had been some time that I lost considerable amount of blood but my heart kept pumping and I held on to my senses. They assisted me with my wounds that were getting from bad to worse with every tick-tock of the clock but they managed to help me slide down the chute to be received at the other end by another crew member. I could see the ambulance light blinking, I could hear my comrades screaming their lungs out at each other to hurry up with the stretcher, as I could scarcely walk up to the EMS. The pain was reducing, the sense of sound and sight were weakening. It was time to say goodbye.
I lay covered with blood, still dressed in a uniform with the name tag of N. Bhanot, the purser. Few pieces of cloth and metal that I took so much pride in; were soon of no use anymore. It was time for the soul to separate from what I knew as my identity for last twenty-three years (Oh wait! I couldn't even turn twenty-three. I was still few hours away from blowing the twenty third candle) - this mortal body, had taken its leave of its constant companion, the soul, which was preparing to rise to those heights that I always wished to attain.
It was September 7, my birthday, and my parents offered flowers on my coffin. I was cremated the following day in the middle of my family's anguish and heartfelt prayers.
In my earthly life, I only knew Sati Mata. The image of God to me was more of a motherly figure embodying naari shakti, who is venerated for vanquishing all evils around the planet. But Jesus was this holy historical name who lived centuries ago and accomplished a lot of good deeds, but nobody could know him personally. Just before I could know how it feels to be cremated, I found myself standing with a number of other brave souls, chanting hymns to receive Jesus Christ into their heart and heavenly life. I had a distinct sensation of that tremendous amount of pain and weight being withdrawn from my shoulder. I knew, my life had changed dramatically. I was soon surrounded by many more souls of Americans, Europeans, Asians, Africans, Latinos, and what was in common for all was - all of their faces were true to humanity. Now, after making a new commitment to Jesus Christ, not to forget where I came from, not to erase my memory of the path I followed, I pledged to inspire, motivate and guide the current generation to look for the meaning of life. Whether we are wealthy or poor, male or female, famous or unknown, we shall be remembered for what we have given to the world. Once that is realized, there will be no uncertainty, no suffering and no fear of death. There'll be no void inside, no inner solitude. Nothing will hold you back from shielding those who need you. You shall be forever remembered as a brave heart!
Disclaimer: This is my perspective and it is based on publicly available facts and my imagination. This is a fictional article.
Hello, my nane is Aneesh Bhanot and I am Neerja's brother. Could you let me know who has authorised you to publish this factually incorrect 'diary'
ReplyDeleteHello, my nane is Aneesh Bhanot and I am Neerja's brother. Could you let me know who has authorised you to publish this factually incorrect 'diary'
ReplyDeleteKindly respond or better still delete your 'diary' post else l will have to lodge an official complaint with the website to get it removed.
ReplyDeleteAneesh Bhanot
Kindly respond or better still delete your 'diary' post else l will have to lodge an official complaint with the website to get it removed.
ReplyDeleteAneesh Bhanot
Hi I am Ushasi - an independent blogger and a corporate trainer in communication and grooming by profession. I am glad to hear from you - and feel fortunate that my article has been trending so widely that it has touched many hearts and above all - has impacted someone so immensely from my character's family. :) Thank you for that honor in the very first place! I hope you are doing great. My regards to Neerja's mother. I have seen her interviews and I respect her for her strength and humility. :) Well, I nurture a passion for writing and I select issues that concern real life characters and I often turn them into encouraging biographies that would be palatable to the mass. I think there is no harm in doing so as it is a form of literary art without any commercial interest. You may even call it a form of entertainment - which is not very different from movies. Isn't? The blog piece and the views are mine and also a figment of my imagination inspired by the true story of Neerja. I admire her for who she was and my sole purpose of writing this in my blog site was for a noble cause. I found there were a lot of people who hadn't even heard Neerja's name and about her bravery and sacrifice that saved so many lives. It was my personal effort to reach her story out to maximum people and the idea was conceived especially with the sentiment of being in the same career stream - I was trained in cabin crew safety and services and could totally connect to what Neerja and her fellow crew members might have gone through on that fateful day. If my pursuit to spread that positive spirit and inspiration has hurt or offended anyone, that was never my intent. My piece majorly covers information on her life and that incident which are readily and vastly available on the internet so there is nothing as such that has been distorted or shows the character in a bad light. These are facts that anyone can find and procure online which doesn't necessarily need an 'authorization' for one to recreate and post. There are obviously fictions in the tale as well, so were in the movie on Neerja Bhanot! My blog was published way before the much hyped movie on Neerja was released and I obviously had no clue on what all the narrative was going to cover, represent and serve to the audience. I have checked with reliable sources and I know, there is no law levied on the freedom to think, express and propagate on a public figure and if you personally have an objection to my opinions, that completely lies with you. Your personal reasons can not decide what I am going to put up. What I believe and want to articulate are totally within my individual rights and will not be affected by any external factor. My salute to Neerja and everything that she did for humanity. What could be a better way to pay tribute to this woman of unrivaled virtues other than penning my thoughts on her emotional journey? I am happy within my own space that my essay on her has been read extensively and nobody can take that away from me. Once again, I would like to add this a disclaimer here - my subject and the views expressed are mine and aren't meant to hurt or offend anyone.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Mam for narrating such an inspired teacher life
ReplyDeleteBeautiful story..heard recently about her what a beauriful soul.i also heard about her mother at least they are now joined together again in heaven